- Programs
- 86 Lessons /1 Quizzes
Welcome to the entrepreneurship course with Skillioma.
Skillioma is an interdisciplinary platform for real world skills.This course is unlike others, very unique in a number of ways. Let’s look at the unique features of this course
- Entrepreneurship A-Z concepts with real world examples in all the content.
- The course also covers basic financial, leadership, marketing skills along with entrepreneurship skills
- The course is interdisciplinary and helps you think outside the box to solve a problem. Remember, entrepreneurial mindset is about solving problems
- The course has 50+ text, image and video based content from different disciplines.
- The course has more than 30 exercises to work on.
- Special bonus section on FAQ’s(common myths busted), Tools of the Trade, Productivity boosters, Recommended reading
- The course has a full in-depth case study.
- The course has 80+ quiz questions to test your knowledge in the end.
- The course is designed by an entrepreneur who knows the thick and thin of it.
- The questions on Q&A section will be answered by our team or send an email to support@skillioma.com
Pre-requisites for the course
- Anyone that wants to grow, excel or succeed in their life can take this up.
- Anyone whether you aspire to be an entrepreneur or a job holder or studying in high school or college can take this course. The future of jobs requires entrepreneurial mindset.
- You just need a laptop, determination, persistence and willingness to learn.
Check out the program outline for full list of topics covered in this course.
Course Curriculum
18 Lessons / 0 Quizzes
What is the difference between entrepreneurship and business
10 points
Assignment #1- Prepare a document stating what you are? Are you an entrepreneur or a business person?
50 points
What is Solopreneurship
10 points
What is a Small Business
10 points
Vision board for students
10 points
Assignment #2 - Create a vision board for your company's goals or steps to achieving your goals
50 points
5 Time management skills
10 points
Assignment #3 - Prepare a time management plan or a comprehensive schedule for your work
50 points
Learn the art of public speaking
10 points
What is a growth mindset and why is it important?
10 points
Assignment #4- Create a table depicting your growth mindset and fixed mindset qualities you have
50 points
What is leadership and Who is a leader?
10 points
What is Optimism Quotient and why is it important for entrepreneurs
10 points
Assignment #5- Create a plan to develop your leadership skills.
50 points
How to become a Young Entrepreneur
10 points
Assignment #6- If you are going to be a young entrepreneur(teenage or early 20's), write down how you will build your credibility and what other challenges you will face and how you overcome that
50 points
What is the process of entrepreneurship
10 points
8 Lessons / 0 Quizzes
The ideation process of your startup
10 points
Assignment #7- Describe your idea in 50 characters or less
50 points
Assignment #8- Prepare an elevator pitch in 20 words or less
50 points
Assignment #9- Describe how you are unique from your competitors
50 points
Assignment #10- Describe how you will earn your customers
50 points
How do you perform market analysis and what kind of tools are available?
10 points
Assignment #11- Describe what your market analysis results are?
50 points
How to test if your business model is viable?
10 points
33 Lessons / 0 Quizzes
Registering your company in India
10 points
What is a roadmap? Why do you need one?
10 points
Assignment #12- Create a roadmap for your company's ideation process and execution process. Roadmap should be created until launch of your product/service
50 points
What is a business plan?
10 points
Assignment #13- Create your business plan by including all the elements that you learned.
50 points
What is a prototype?
10 points
How important is it for a startup to form a good team?
10 points
The cost of hiring a new employee
10 points
How much working capital does a small business need?
10 points
Assignment #14- Create a resource plan for your company. Include their salaries, how long you need their services, type of work etc.
50 points
Project risks and contingency plan
10 points
How do you calculate risks for your startup
10 points
Assignment #15- Create a risk plan and contingency steps to overcome the risks. Include all kinds of risks, market risk, implementation risk, legal risks etc.
50 points
How do you create a Minimum Viable Product
10 points
What is company revenue? How to calculate it?
10 points
Assignment #16- Describe how you are going to create your MVP?
50 points
What does bootstrapping or self funding mean?
10 points
Assignment #17- Brainstorm and plan how you will arrange for funds? Will you bootstrap or bring a VC or Angel investor? If so, what is the approach?
50 points
How to write a killer pitch for an investor
10 points
Assignment #18- Create a pitch deck for your company idea
50 points
How do you pitch to an Investor? And do you really need one?
10 points
What is market value? How to calculate it for a startup?
10 points
Financial characteristics of a successful company
10 points
What is break even analysis
10 points
Assignment #19- Prepare a break even analysis report for your company
50 points
What is the meaning of 'metrics'
10 points
Assignment #20- What are some important metrics you need to measure for your company
50 points
What is 'Net Worth'
10 points
What is SWOT analysis
10 points
Assignment #21- Prepare a SWOT analysis report for your company
50 points
What is rule of 72
10 points
What are basic risk methods
10 points
What are Mergers and Acquisitions(M&A)
10 points
5 Lessons / 0 Quizzes
what is an investment
10 points
What is GST? What do you need to learn about it?
10 points
What is a stock market
10 points
what are mutual funds
10 points
Financial words that every student should know
10 points
16 Lessons / 0 Quizzes
What is the difference between sales and marketing
10 points
opportunities in the digital age
10 points
What is marketing and its importance for startups
10 points
What is passive income?
10 points
What is podcasting
10 points
Affiliate Marketing
10 points
How to build a personal brand
10 points
Write how to use individual channels in detail for personal branding( instagram, FB, Linkedin)- 3 different articles or one.
10 points
Assignment #23- Create a personal branding plan for yourself to build credibility as a person
50 points
Digital marketing
10 points
What is a B2B and B2C model?
10 points
What is a Freemium Model?
10 points
How do you get your first 10 customers?
10 points
Assignment #24- Prepare an offline and online or digital marketing plan for your company
50 points
What are unicorns?
10 points
Assignment #25- Plan a journey to your unicorn status.
50 points
4 Lessons / 0 Quizzes
Productivity boosters
10 points
Tools of the trade
10 points
Recommended reading
10 points
Common myths busted
10 points
2 Lessons / 0 Quizzes
Zomato case study
50 points
0 Lessons / 1 Quizzes
Test your knowledge
80 points
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